Lamothe, Meeyoung, Mkrtchyan, Ani, Ruddle, Travis and Kuyon, Kayleigh. (2022). “Misconduct in the Nonprofit Sector: A Comprehensive Approach to the Study of Financial Fraud and Other Misbehaviors.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
Ruddle, Travis, Robinson, Scott, and Fister, Aaron. (2022). “Fragile Halos: Comparing Organizational Reputation Across Sectors.” Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. (Forthcoming)
Working Papers
Choi, Jungwha, Ruddle, Travis, Robinson, Scott, and Fister, Aaron. “Restoring Public Trust After a Crisis.” Submitting Manuscript to Public Administration Review in February 2022.
Ruddle, Travis. “The Impact of Crises on Citizens’ Sector Preferences for Services.” Submitting to Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory in February 2022.
Witesman, Eva and Ruddle, Travis. “The Effect of the Nondistribution Clause on the Reinvestment of Slack Resources.” Submitting to Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly in Summer 2022.
Lamothe, Meeyoung, Ruddle, Travis, and Mkrtchyan, Ani. “Sexual Misconduct and Misbehavior in the Nonprofit Sector: A Systematic Review.” Presented at ARNOVA 2021. Submitting to Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly in April 2022.
Shortle, Allyson, Ruddle, Travis, Fryar, Alisa, and Robichau, Robbie. “Diversion Programs, Deservingness, and the Dad Bias: Differing Perceptions Across PublicService Delivery Models and Characteristics of Beneficiaries.” Accepted and Presenting at MPSA 2022.
Ruddle, Travis. “Citizens’ Blame Attribution in Organizational Crises: Differences Across Sectors.” Submitting to Public Management Review in March 2022.
Peay, Periloux, Ruddle, Travis, and McNair, Clint. “Disasters and Punishment: Citizen Evaluations of Organizational Failure Across Levels of Government.” Submitting to Public Administration Review in Summer 2022.
Ruddle, Travis. “Sector Bias and Citizens’ Attribution of Blame Toward Individuals in Organizational Roles During Crisis.” Submitting to International Journal of Public Management in Summer 2022.
Ruddle, Travis, Shortle, Allyson, and Fryar, Alisa. “Thou Hypocrites!: Public Acceptance, Neutrality, and Objection Toward Nonprofit Political Activity.” Preparing for ARNOVA 2022.